[3.24 STANDARD] 213/844 MF Solo 100% Deli T16 - Pound for Pound the Best MF in the game

Great Build guide!

Been a vaal player since old vaal spark farm in the lake.

We are running 8 auras all ready and VFB has a great added damage %, how about using scepters with 2% damage per aura and smite/vaal smite? What are the pros and cons of these vs a bow/quiever?

akaflux 님이 작성:
Great Build guide!

Been a vaal player since old vaal spark farm in the lake.

We are running 8 auras all ready and VFB has a great added damage %, how about using scepters with 2% damage per aura and smite/vaal smite? What are the pros and cons of these vs a bow/quiever?

Bow quiver is BIS due to gem level potential and power of quivers for VFB (see Peter's quivers in mirror service section).

But you can of course use other weapon types, it'll work.
hi guys....just a question ...i am just curius,leadership amulet it needs 2 resists to be equal.....it works if all 3 are equal or no?
Lampra 님이 작성:
hi guys....just a question ...i am just curius,leadership amulet it needs 2 resists to be equal.....it works if all 3 are equal or no?

Doesn't matter if they are equal or not, the higher the better and more expensive.
Hey there,

first of all, thank you for the detailled guide.

I startet to put some gear together, running low on currency atm.

My next upgrade would be a better voice jewel for less points.
Besides that levling my character a few levels (and gem levels or rather buy new gems) and maybe get a helmet with reservation efficiancy.

Besides that what upgrades would you say i should do?

I die quite often atm, feels like I am missed something in the guide.

My build atm:


Any advice what to change?
I guess not being able to run determination, grace, purity and petrified blood at the same time is quite essential..

Thanks in advance!
a2b12 님이 2023. 2. 9. 오후 1:09:46에 마지막으로 편집
a2b12 님이 작성:
Hey there,

first of all, thank you for the detailled guide.

I startet to put some gear together, running low on currency atm.

My next upgrade would be a better voice jewel for less points.
Besides that levling my character a few levels (and gem levels or rather buy new gems) and maybe get a helmet with reservation efficiancy.

Besides that what upgrades would you say i should do?

I die quite often atm, feels like I am missed something in the guide.

My build atm:


Any advice what to change?
I guess not being able to run determination, grace, purity and petrified blood at the same time is quite essential..

Thanks in advance!

Level your gems!
On a budget you may want to switch to ashes before going leaderships price,
+1 all skill and quality will help with survivabily & damage
rmr with your aura problem.
Vitaliy life on hit on watchers is pretty strong too

what about this amulet?
Been playing your build for a while now, i'm hooked to STD poe ever since. Thanks <3
I spent about 200 divines and I can't kill anyone... or do you only need mirror things to do normal damage?
Can someone tell me what's wrong

I can't get charges for the headhunter, my damage is too low

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrLWWDUGkL8 in this video you are gaining charges for a headhunter in a second, I don't understand...
dimasof55 님이 2023. 3. 31. 오전 4:09:09에 마지막으로 편집
_TheQue_ 님이 2023. 4. 1. 오후 2:30:39에 마지막으로 편집

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