[3.24 STANDARD] 213/844 MF Solo 100% Deli T16 - Pound for Pound the Best MF in the game

Oleesel 님이 작성:
Im liking the build so far, but i cant for the life of me figure out where i am missing RE. i even have 2% RE on the potency jewel + unnatural instinct. could you take a look and see what ive messed up?

also why are you using vaal rain of arrows?

helm enchant?

vaal roa = easy mark application (it shoots over and over and over in a wide area and can be "pre-cast" before a boss or whatever needs to really die)
i swapped to ashes and nimis and now i can fit all auras fine. but i die quite alot to oneshots so im wonder if you got some tips based of my char ign: oleesel_candyking

and what mapmods should i not run?
Oleesel 님이 작성:
i swapped to ashes and nimis and now i can fit all auras fine. but i die quite alot to oneshots so im wonder if you got some tips based of my char ign: oleesel_candyking

and what mapmods should i not run?

look at this pob for changes to make to your character: https://pobb.in/N2YoanIBlhPq

as for map mods, the only ones I have issues with are ele reflect and reduced aura effect. cant regen + cant leech are also an issue but only together which is very rare.
IGN: Microwave
Hello. I have a question about SC and Vaal Grace.

When I activate Soul Catcher, the effect only lasts for 5 seconds instead of the stated 7.2 seconds in the tooltip. However, the duration bar is displayed correctly.

I don't have enough reserved mana for Grace and I can't figure out why. I decided to replace Vaal Haste with Vaal Grace because I die often. The mana reservation for Haste is 18.5 and for Grace it's 22. Both gems have a base value of 50%. I would really appreciate some advice.

KaindeMort 님이 2023. 4. 7. 오전 4:03:27에 마지막으로 편집
I did some of the changes you mentioned, but i cant have all auras active without the RE medium cluster?
Oleesel 님이 2023. 4. 7. 오전 9:21:27에 마지막으로 편집
It seems that the new patch has broken Soul Catcher. Reduce of soul cost doesn't work anymore.
KaindeMort 님이 작성:
It seems that the new patch has broken Soul Catcher. Reduce of soul cost doesn't work anymore.

soul catcher is working fine, they just deleted the 10% flask effect mastery so you need to find it elsewhere to reach 140%
IGN: Microwave
Nimis nerfed hard. But still, I don't know if there's a better solution for single target without swapping weapons. Any idea? or nimis still superior?
With nimis getting nerfed and introduction of vaal lightning arrow, do you think vaal lightning arrow may be the better option?
LQ19910226 님이 작성:
With nimis getting nerfed and introduction of vaal lightning arrow, do you think vaal lightning arrow may be the better option?

IGN: Microwave

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