[3.24] Ice Shot / Lightning Arrow Deadeye (Or Tornado Shot) - 400%+ MS, League Start Viable!

TyrerB 님이 작성:
Thanks for the awesome build guide. I'm a little unsure about how to bring mana forged arrow into the build at level 16 as the POB notes suggest. Does it replace ballista totem?

Thank you.

it's just an additional setup for utility
Fallstaff 님이 작성:
AethGorr 님이 작성:
What the reason in Blink Arrow? Primary purpose is travel? Is it just matter of preference and i may use much familiar Flame Dash or i miss something?

This is a good question. I was wondering as well. I feel Blink Arrow to be clunky. Is this a requirement?

it's not a requirement but with enough investment blink arrow doesn'T feel clunky
SleepyV 님이 작성:
Honestly, this build feels terrible. I swapped to Grim's build and it was way better in survivability, clearspeed and single target. This is just a huge miss.

I hate to agree because I can see it being fun if it were a little different, but even in early maps it feels terrible. Constant mana issues, and having to spam a flask to alleviate and stat requirement issues. I'm currently having to stuff as much strength as I can just to use the requisite gems (I'd have to de-level steelskin to level 10 just to remove my belt and ammy...) that I can't even afford to use Prismweave or Karui Ward. On top of all this, you're squishy as hell. I regret starting with this build, one of my least favorite since Synthesis...

I feel the same. Good leveling but once I hit act 10, everything went to shit. Tier 1s are as tough as it was when I started PoE 8 years ago.
MightyDaddy 님이 2023. 4. 9. 오후 4:25:50에 마지막으로 편집
gizmo032 님이 작성:
Why Far Shot / Mirage Archers nodes in ascendancy class, why not Ricochet with +1 chain? I see so many players on poe.ninja with this node and very small percent with FS/MA

Ricochet is a great endgame ascendancy but in the early game I get a better gameplay with more damage from either far shot // occupying force
_Eddd 님이 작성:
Hello and thanks for the guide.

I don't understand how you get so much life regen. On the leveling items set and with level 70 tree you have 234.7 health regen whilst I have only the regen from belt at level 83.

Can you throw a look please? I'm trying to understand - because the rage regen feels kinda low.

**Also, in your teaser video you manage to keep Berserk for a very long time and I don't get it how.


Thank you.

is it enduring cry, perhaps?
ArcaneSt0rm 님이 작성:
BlazinCaucasian1 님이 작성:
hey, i don't have PoB because it doesn't work for me and never opens regardless of what i do. are you able to post the skill tree somewhere else?


this is pretty much an online pob

On that note: what bandit choice? i cant find it anywhere in the pob or the mainpost

kill all, its in the config tab
pateleq 님이 작성:
Should I use gem links listed in POB or here on the website? One does include GMP, the other does not. Help me out please. Thanks

I fixed it but either setup was fine. So don't worry about it you didn't miss out on anything
Nekrolith 님이 작성:
In the PoB why there are 25x ballista?

5 Ballistae that hit 5 times each
yankuch 님이 2023. 4. 9. 오후 4:48:08에 마지막으로 편집
Maniuu 님이 작성:
Hello. It was nice so far playing your build, i start struggle with low dmg on maps - What i should change? better bow? i fxckd up something that destroy my dps? i appreciate all help, i just wanna hava fun in maps :) Ty

edit obv i dont talk about dmg vs bosses, i have hard time clearing maps due to lack of dmg

First of all make sure you still have enough accuracy for precise technique, then,
Prismweave -> Karui Ward ( with oil for cheap annoint ) -> Highest elemental dps bow you can afford. -> Kaom's spirit + Immortal flesh -> Life gain per Enemy Hit with Attacks synthesis implicit ring -> Lethal pride (even a bad one) -> Spell Suppress gear (with decent eldritch implicits) -> Cluster Jewels -> Grace Watcher's Eye -> Massive Thread of Hope.
yankuch 님이 2023. 4. 9. 오후 4:47:47에 마지막으로 편집
TheBugurtov 님이 작성:
Hey guys, where do you get mana? I spam flasks all the time, it's annoying

Get a longer duration mana flask, eternal mana flask will last for 7s so it's not as spammy, and later on you can upgrade your gear to drop the mana flask altogether

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