새소식 보관소
신규 포인트 아이템 출시: 결전 챙모자, 혹독한 시련의 은신처, 메이븐의 관측기 지도 장치
2021. 4. 18. 오후 10:42:11
에센스 신규 개편 안내
2021. 4. 14. 오후 10:15:04
All Rebalanced Essences
에센스 개편 안내
Alongside reworks to past league reward systems in Path of Exile: Ultimatum, Essences have also been rebalanced. So that you can best prepare for the expansion launch, we've prepared a list of all the changes made which you can check out in this news post.
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패스 오브 엑자일: 결전 리그 신규 개편된 스킬 젬 정보 소개
2021. 4. 14. 오후 10:09:34
New and Changed Gems in Path of Exile: Ultimatum
패스 오브 엑자일: 결전
신규 개편된 스킬 젬 정보
In Path of Exile: Ultimatum, we've added new four skill and support gems as well as made a variety of changes to existing gems. To help you plan your build for the upcoming launch, we've prepared gem data at level 20 with 20% quality for all new and changed gems.
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결전 패치노트, 아이템 필터, 패시브 트리 정보
2021. 4. 14. 오전 3:16:32
Ultimatum Patch Notes, Item Filter and Passive Tree Information
결전 패치노트, 아이템 필터, 패시브 트리 정보
The full patch notes for Path of Exile: Ultimatum are now available! In order to help you prepare your builds and item filters we've also gathered the Passive Tree and Item Filter information in this news post.
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패스 오브 엑자일: 결전 비공개 리그 사전 생성 안내
2021. 4. 13. 오전 6:18:22
Private Leagues for Path of Exile: Ultimatum are now available!
패스 오브 엑자일: 결전 비공개 리그 생성 안내
The Private Leagues for the Path of Exile: Ultimatum launch are now available! For those of you planning to play in a Private Ultimatum League at launch, you are now able to create them beforehand. Click here to set up your Private League (don't forget to double check the start time of your league upon creating it)! Please note that you won't be able to participate in these events until they officially launch on April 18th.
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[개발자 노트] 패스 오브 엑자일: 결전 리그 밸런스 조정 안내
2021. 4. 13. 오전 6:16:37
Game Balance
in Path of Exile: Ultimatum
패스 오브 엑자일:
결전 리그 밸런스 조정 안내
Alongside every new league, we aim to make balance changes to a wide variety of character systems to improve build and playstyle diversity. As a preview to tomorrow's patch notes, this Development Manifesto provides more context to some of the changes we're making. 더 보기
결전 리그 도전과제 보상 공개
2021. 4. 12. 오전 12:56:41
Ultimatum Challenge Rewards
결전 리그 도전과제 보상
In the Ultimatum League, you'll have the option to complete 40 new challenges and earn exclusive microtransaction rewards. At 12, 24 and 36 challenges, you'll earn the Ultimatum Helmet, Ultimatum Pet and the Ultimatum Portal respectively. Completing challenges also grants you pieces of the Ultimatum Totem Pole Hideout decoration.
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50포인트 할인 및 포인트 사용 시 미스터리 박스 제공 안내
2021. 4. 9. 오전 12:21:38
50 Point Sale and Get a Free Mystery Box When You Spend Points
50포인트 할인 및 포인트 사용 시 미스터리 박스 제공 안내
This weekend, we are running a 50 Point Sale with a massive variety of cosmetic effects available for only 50 points or less! Plus, get one free Warlord Mystery Box when you spend points in the store.
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패스 오브 엑자일: 결전 및 패스 오브 엑자일 2 공개
2021. 4. 8. 오후 5:32:13
Path of Exile: Ultimatum Announcements and Path of Exile 2 Showcase
패스 오브 엑자일: 결전 및 패스 오브 엑자일 2 공개
We are excited to share with you the announcements from our exclusive Path of Exile: Ultimatum livestream! In this news post, we've put together the links to everything that is being announced live. We'll update this post for your reference as the announcement progresses.
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신규 리그 발표 사전 안내
2021. 4. 7. 오후 10:12:17
What to Expect from the Livestream
신규 리그 발표 사전 안내
On April 8th at 1PM (PDT), we will show you the first look at Path of Exile 2 since its announcement at ExileCon and will announce the full details of our upcoming Ultimatum expansion! This post contains everything you need to know before the livestream starts over on twitch.tv/pathofexile.
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의식 리그 종료 예정 안내
2021. 4. 5. 오후 10:17:10
Ritual Ends Soon
의식 리그 종료 예정 안내
The Ritual League ends on PC on Monday April 12th at 2PM PDT, so this is your last week to complete any unfinished challenges. On consoles, the Ritual League will end when the Ultimatum expansion goes live on April 21st PDT.
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패스 오브 엑자일 레이스 쇼케이스 안내
2021. 4. 4. 오후 9:32:31
Watch the Path of Exile Race Showcase on April 5
패스 오브 엑자일 레이스 쇼케이스 안내
Community streamer, Brittleknee, has arranged for a showcase of Path of Exile racing strategies to be featured on Games Done Quick, a channel which focuses on demonstrating high level gameplay alongside efforts to raise money for charity. Watch live as community streamers Tytykiller, Imexile and Balaar demonstrate tips and strategies for racing in Path of Exile. You'll find the action on twitch.tv/gamesdonequick at 4pm April 5th (PDT).
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포탈, 캐릭터, 발자국 이펙트 할인 안내
2021. 4. 1. 오후 11:56:41
Havoc Blitz Event & Portal, Character and Footprint Effect Sale This Weekend
포탈, 캐릭터, 발자국 이펙트 할인 안내
The Havoc Blitz event organised by veteran community member Havoc616 begins this weekend! Watch the main cast on April 3rd from 8AM PDT live on RaizQT’s Twitch channel. We are also running a sale on portals, character effects and footprints! Find out more in today’s news post.
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패스 오브 엑자일 2: 지난 소식 모음
2021. 3. 31. 오후 8:51:33
Path of Exile 2: Everything Revealed So Far
패스 오브 엑자일 2: 공개된 소식들 소개
During our livestream announcement for our 3.14 expansion next week, we'll share the first look at Path of Exile 2 since it was announced at ExileCon! If you are interested in checking out what we've revealed so far, we have compiled everything you need in today's news post.
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역대 인기있는 팬 아트 작품 소개
2021. 3. 30. 오후 10:24:42
Favourite Fan Art from the Past
역대 인기있는 팬 아트 작품 소개
The creations our community share with us are a wonderful way of getting to see the world of Wraeclast through your eyes. Today, we wanted to look back at some of the remarkable fan art you’ve made that were inspired by your very own Exiles.