새소식 보관소

[업데이트] 황혼 미스터리 박스 출시 안내

2020. 9. 19. 오후 5:02:52
The Twilight Mystery Box 황혼 미스터리 박스 Do you burn with the desire to look spectacular? Well thank your lucky stars! The Twilight Mystery Box contains 38 brand new Lunaris- and Solaris-themed cosmetic effects. It's clear as day that these stellar outfits are the perfect addition to your cosmetic collection. Many of these cosmetics can be combined to create a blended version of the two designs for even deeper character customisation. Check out the full trailer to see what's available! 더 보기

패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 리그 출시 안내

2020. 9. 18. 오전 3:59:19
Path of Exile: Heist Launches Soon 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 리그 출시 안내 The launch of the Heist, our third expansion of this year, is just around the corner! We can't wait to see you executing risky Heists in order to obtain valuable rewards. In this news post we've covered everything you need to know about the upcoming launch day. 더 보기

[내용 수정] Mac OS 공식 출시 지연 & 테스트 버전 Mac OS 클라이언트 안내

2020. 9. 18. 오전 3:51:02
macOS Official Release Delayed, Experimental Client Available Mac OS 공식 출시 지연 & 테스트 버전 Mac OS 클라이언트 안내 Our intention was to release an experimental copy of the macOS Path of Exile client around a week ago, so that community members could test it before its official release tomorrow alongside Heist. A series of last-minute unexpected technical problems meant that we only had this client distributable today. Our new plan is to release this experimental client immediately for feedback from adventurous macOS users, and to officially release on Mac in around a week. Check out this news post for more information. 더 보기

패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 대체 퀄리티 젬 소개

2020. 9. 18. 오전 3:14:14
Alternate Quality Gems in Path of Exile: Heist In Path of Exile: Heist, you'll be able to access new exclusive rewards in the Curio Display Rooms in Grand Heists. One such reward is Alternate Quality Gems! There are over 800 over these available and we've prepared the full list of them. 더 보기

리그 보관함 탭 정책 안내

2020. 9. 17. 오전 4:47:58
Our League Stash Tab Policy Going Forward 리그 보관함 탭 정책 안내 Shortly after we launched Harvest, we released a set of league stash tabs that, in spite of selling really well, caused some backlash. Path of Exile has dozens of league launches ahead of it and naturally these will continue to introduce new items. Therefore, we needed a policy around item storage that's future-proofed. We've discussed it and want to share this policy with you. 더 보기

[업데이트] 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 스킬 젬 정보 소개

2020. 9. 17. 오전 2:58:28
Path of Exile: Heist Gem Information 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 스킬 젬 정보 소개 The Heist expansion launches in just two days! To help you plan your builds even further, we've prepared gem data at level 20 with 20% quality for all the new and changed gems in 3.12.0. Check them out in this news post!

[업데이트] 강탈 리그 패치노트, 아이템 필터, 패시브 트리 정보 안내

2020. 9. 16. 오전 6:12:17
Heist Patch Notes, Item Filter and Passive Tree Information We've just published the full patch notes for Path of Exile: Heist! To help you prepare your builds and update your item filters for the launch, we've also gathered all of the Passive Tree and Item Filter information in this news post. Check it out! 더 보기

[개발자 노트] 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 리그 밸런스 조정 안내

2020. 9. 15. 오전 5:26:15
Tuesday september 15th Path of Exile: Heist Balance Manifesto [개발자 노트] 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 리그 밸런스 조정 안내 In Path of Exile: Heist, we'll be changing some mechanics to help keep the metagame fresh. You'll be able to view these changes in greater detail in the patch notes tomorrow but in the meantime, this manifesto outlines what you can expect. 더 보기

패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 비공개 리그 생성 안내

2020. 9. 15. 오전 1:22:06
Private Leagues for Path of Exile: Heist are now available! 패스 오브 엑자일: 수확 비공개 리그 생성 안내 The Private Leagues for the Heist launch are now available! Those of you who're planning to play in a Private Heist League at launch are now able to create them beforehand. Click here to set up your Private League (don't forget to double check the start time of your league upon creating)! Please note that you won't be able to participate in these events until they officially launch on September 18th. 더 보기

강탈 리그 도전과제 보상

2020. 9. 14. 오전 1:29:59
Heist Challenge Rewards 강탈 리그 도전과제 보상 In the Heist League you'll have the option to complete 40 new challenges and earn exclusive microtransaction rewards. At 12, 24 and 36 challenges you will earn the Heist Helmet Pack, Heist Cat Pet and Heist Portal respectively. Check out these rewards by watching this video. 더 보기

[업데이트] 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 주문 & 강철 스킬 개편과 신규 스킬 소개

2020. 9. 11. 오전 5:37:57
New and Reworked Classic Spells & Steel Skills in Path of Exile: Heist 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 주문 & 강철 스킬 개편과 신규 스킬 소개 In Path of Exile: Heist, we're introducing several new skills and reworking some past ones. Today's news post covers more detail of new skills like Blazing Salvo, Steel Skills and the long-awaited Discharge rework. 더 보기

수확 리그 종료 예정 안내 & 포인트 사용 시 미스터리 박스 무료 증정

2020. 9. 11. 오전 12:30:38
Friday september 11th Harvest Ends Soon - Get a Free Mystery Box When You Spend Points 수확 리그 종료 예정 안내 포인트 사용 시 미스터리 박스 무료 증정 The Harvest league on PC ends on Monday September 14th at 3PM (PDT), so you only have a few days left to complete your unfinished challenges! We're also running a 50 Point Sale with a huge variety of cosmetic effects available for only 50 points or less. Check out the sale here. Until the launch of the Heist expansion we're offering one free Angels and Demons Mystery Box when you spend points! Find out more in this news post. 더 보기

[업데이트] 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 저주 스킬 소개

2020. 9. 10. 오전 2:09:54
Curse Skills in Path of Exile: Heist 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 저주 스킬 소개 In Path of Exile: Heist we're making some changes to curses to provide incentive to self-cast them. We've made some small changes to existing curse mechanics, improved their visuals and added one new curse skill and one new support gem. 더 보기

[업데이트] 강탈 스킬 공개: 범위 통제 주문

2020. 9. 9. 오전 1:28:54
Heist Skill Reveal: Area-Control Spells 강탈 스킬 공개: 지역 통제 주문 Alongside Path of Exile: Heist, we're introducing four new skills which produce powerful, long-lasting effects that allow you to take control over an area. The interesting effects generated by each skill mean that they are a good fit alongside a wide variety of builds but also offer a particular benefit to spellcasters that need to stand still to spread damage. 더 보기

3.11.2 기술 관련 개선 예정 안내

2020. 9. 7. 오후 9:47:17
3.11.2 Technical Patch 3.11.2 기술 관련 개선 예정 안내 In the coming week, we'll be deploying the 3.11.2 patch which contains many technical changes to the internals of Path of Exile in preparation for the release of Heist. This patch changes the way that Path of Exile stores its data, requiring a complete redownload of the game. There are a number of improvements we have been waiting several years to make which each require a full redownload, so we were able to bundle them all together at this opportunity. Today's news post explains what has changed and why. 더 보기

패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 각성자 처치 이벤트 소개

2020. 9. 7. 오전 1:33:13
Path of Exile: Heist - Zizaran's Awakener Kill Event 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 각성자 처치 이벤트 This September we're teaming up with community streamer Zizaran to host a boss-kill event where players can compete to kill The Awakener while playing in Heist HC SSF mode. Zizaran's event sponsor, Shopify, will be teaming up with him to supply $40,000 to the race's prize pool. On top of the cash prizes for players, there will also be microtransaction prizes provided by usl. To top it all off, Shopify will be supplying $13,000 in microtransactions to community streamers to give away during the event! Find out more in this news post. 더 보기

애완동물과 은신처 장식품 대박 할인 안내

2020. 9. 6. 오후 9:56:58
Huge Sale on Pets and Hideout Decorations This Weekend 애완동물과 은신처 장식품 대박 할인 안내 OR Huge Sale on Pets and Hideout Decorations This Weekend 애완동물과 은신처 장식품 대박 할인 안내 We're holding a sale on a great selection of Pets and Hideout Decorations. More than 200 microtransactions are available at discounted prices, including the Labrador Pet, the Nine-Tailed Fox Pet, the Thaumaturgical Hideout and the Glimmerwood Hideout. Check out the sale here. 더 보기

[업데이트] 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 FAQ 2

2020. 9. 3. 오후 11:48:37
Path of Exile: Heist FAQ 2 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 FAQ 2 Yesterday, we posted many answers to the community's most frequently asked questions about our upcoming expansion, Heist. There's even more to discuss, so we're posting another round of answers! 더 보기

[업데이트] 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 FAQ와 레딧 AMA 안내

2020. 9. 3. 오전 2:08:24
Path of Exile: Heist FAQ and Reddit AMA 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 FAQ 레딧 AMA 안내 Yesterday we revealed the details of our September expansion, Path of Exile: Heist. We've gathered the answers to the most commonly asked questions and put them into one place for you to peruse. This Thursday at 3pm (PDT) we'll also be participating in an AMA on /r/games to talk about all things Heist and the process of making Path of Exile. Come join us! 더 보기

[업데이트] 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 티저 공개

2020. 9. 2. 오후 11:04:55
Path of Exile: Heist Teasers 패스 오브 엑자일: 강탈 티저 공개 In this post we will compile all the Heist teasers as they're posted. The most recent will always be at the top. 더 보기